Thursday, December 20, 2007

back home

Actually I'm still alive. Graduation was a success at least in the sense that I walked. I have to finish this church history class before my diploma comes in the mail (which is pretty much the bane of my existence right now). But regardless! I'm done! Thank You, God. Mean it.

Back in Alabama, had sweet tea with my Subway, now I'm eating grits for a midnight snack. Not even kidding.

The plan is: get a job, so that I, in due course, may raise monies to do what's next. What is next you might ask. Here's a hint:



At 7:11 PM , Blogger Natsuki said...

and where are you going???

At 3:03 PM , Blogger Tamiko said...

hi haley-san! omedeto and church history ganabatte was a pain for me even though I had it so so so much easier here in okinawa. from the picture i see, I am guessing back-packing in Europe? if so that is pretty exciting :) God bless you.

At 9:00 AM , Blogger Haley B said...

natsuki to tamiko, arigatou ne! jaaa, subete no ヨーロッパ え いきたい, でも i'm not sure if that will happen. i think it's going to be pretty...じはつてきda ne. i can't wait :o>

At 8:46 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Haley if you go backpacking in have to stop in and see us in Italy...
Ciao bella



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