Monday, June 25, 2007

carnality close-out

Dear Andrew Murray, thank you for writing Absolute Surrender.

{ I would like to draw a straight line and ask you who believe and confess that God has given you His Spirit and who know the joy of the Holy Spirit, to take your place at the right-hand sie. Then I would ask you who have felt that you are still carnal, to come to the left side and say, "God, I must confess that my Christian life is for the most part carnal, under the power of the flesh." Then I would tell you that you cannot save yourselves from the flesh or get rid of it. You must come to Christ afresh; He can lift you over into the new life. You belong to Christ and He belongs to you; what you need is to cast yourselves upon Him and He will reveal the power of His crucifixion in you, to give you victory over the flesh. Cast yourselves, with the confessin of sin, and utter helplessness, at the feet of the Lamb of God. He will give you deliverance.

That brings me to my final thought: We must take the decisive step in faith that Christ is able to keep us. It is not only a belief; it is not a consecration in any sense of its being in our powers; it is not a surrender by the strength of our will. These aspects may be present, but the principal thing is that we look to Christ to keep us today, tomorrow, the next day, and always; we must receive the life of God within us. We want a life that will last not only until another "revival" but until death takes us home. We want, by the grace of God, to experience the almighty indwelling and saving power of Christ and all that God can do for us.


Come to Christ and disregard whether there is any new experience, any feeling, any excitement, any light, or only apparent darkness. Come and stand upon the Word of God. The Father promises His Holy Spirit to every hungry child. Will He not give it to you? }


New from the home front: What happens when I'm back home with my weird (but all the more lovable) parents?

Well, my mom calls a 1-800 number and tries to order "Alfonso Rivera's pop-and-lock" after watching an old commercial on YouTube advertising it. Much to our (but mainly her) disappointment, this product has apparently been off the shelves for at least two decades. And I'm sure the lady who answered that call is probably still confused.

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