Wednesday, October 10, 2007

intellectual suicide

Can I just be honest. I love Skillet. The heavy melodies. The overly exaggerated melodrama. Only with Skillet can you legitimately play airguitar and give the fist. I love them.


While I'm being honest, I'll go ahead and spill some more. You know what's a struggle? Sometimes I am so tempted to think that Christianity is intellectual suicide. Some of the stuff that I learn, and some of the stuff that I don't learn because it seems glossed over, is enough to incite all kinds of doubts and whatever. But, you know what else? I'm realizing, slowly but surely, that the problem isn't with Christianity. It's not with God, it's not with Jesus. The problem is me. I choose to make my own judgment the ultimate authority for determining truth. What an imbecile thing to do! How many times have I proved my own self wrong.

Well, if "just believing" is the criteria - then why not be a Mormon, or a Neo-pagan or an Agnostic? Frankly, nothing else I've ever considered has matched up. I'm not "just believing" in the Christian God. At least Christianity corresponds with reality. Belief in Jesus actually makes a lot of good sense. I mean, it "works". Even if it doesn't make sense to anyone else, it's changed my life.

Not every question I've ever had has been answered. Many have been, but not all. And the remaining questions...God's pretty much stilled my qualms. They were stupid qualms to begin with anyway.

So, all that to say...I'm stoked for Bible college! God bless you guys.

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At 4:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

good stuff tiger :).....

At 1:01 AM , Blogger banderclip said...

hey haley, just wanted to say hi. that was a cool post.

At 4:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey stink head, you should probably update this thing sometime before christmas...

At 8:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work.


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